Welcome to Pearl Family Church! We are a strong Word-based church. We are just getting started and tweaking the website as we go. There are active links at the top to current messages, giving and contacting us. Drop us a line in our contact box and let us know how we can help and pray for you. We are glad you are here. God bless.
This Pastor Dave. Leave your testimony here of how good God has been to you!
Hello family and friends. Leave your comments here and your memories about Doris Colbert. Here is a good place for family to stay in touch. And, let us know how God has been good to you. Much love, David. https://www.eckardbaldwin.com/obituary/Doris-Colbert
Friends here are some comfort scriptures for you. https://pearlfamilychurch.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Comfort-Scriptures-Death-of-Loved-One.pdf
Notes from funeral https://pearlfamilychurch.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Aunt-Doris-first-svc.pdf
Hey dearest brother, I don’t see any newer update for this year. Do you have anything you can say?
I currently do not have a media-tech person on staff. I catch up with updates when I have the time. There is a new business directory page. Blessings.
Pastor Dave Nazarewicz helped me in my time of need by providing help to my family that I will never forget praise the lord for him